Get Rid of Fungus Gnats
Filed under: Pest Control
Fungus gnat traps and Mosquito Bits – finally, my bug population is getting under control. Discussion of what homemade remedies did and didn’t work too.
I've always been fascinated by tiny things and plants are no exception. The recent revival of interest in miniature gardens and terrariums have led to the highly popular concept of fairy gardening. I invite you to join me on my tiny gardening endeavors and I'll share with you my successes and hopefully, not too many failures.
Along the way, I'll also share some of my favorite tiny green gardening decorations, accessories and plants; many of which can be found online.
Tim and Gerty, my little frog and worm mascots, say hello. They will be along for the ride and are excited about being a part of this site and can't wait to meet the fairies who will be visiting our tiny green gardens.
Filed under: Pest Control
Fungus gnat traps and Mosquito Bits – finally, my bug population is getting under control. Discussion of what homemade remedies did and didn’t work too.
Filed under: Moss Gardens
What do flame moss and teeny shrimp have in common? They both do well in tiny underwater gardens. Learn more about this aquatic plant and where to buy it.
Filed under: Terrariums
Ack, my two moss terrariums are being invaded – one by fungus gnats and the other by mysterious white spheres in dirt. Might have a fix for one at least.
Filed under: Fairy Garden Accessories
A bird-lover’s edition of gift ideas for fairy gardeners. Give a gift you know they’ll love and will add a bit of charm and whimsy to their fairy gardens.
Filed under: Miniature Plants
Buying miniature ivy from Miniature Gardening on Amazon. The story of a gorgeous plant, some uninvited guests and great customer service. Plant info too.