Tiny Garden Kits - A great way to jump start your Fairy Garden or Terrarium
Sometimes you just don’t have the time or desire to pick out each decoration or plant for your fairy garden or terrarium. And, sometimes there’s someone offering something for sale that just catches your eye and yells, “You know you want me! Buy me now!”
This area of Tiny Green Gardens is where I share some of the tiny garden kits that I’ve seen available for sale that are very cute or offer something special. I didn’t know before I started this site just how many charming tiny garden kits are actually available. There’s even a number of activity play sets for children that combine arts and crafts with gardening. Some of the tiny garden kits include fairy garden accessories, often at prices lower than purchasing the items individually. Some include the accessories and plants or plant seeds. And some, include the container and the growing medium.
DIY Terrariums for Kids
Filed under: Garden Kits Terrariums
Several years ago Mom and I accidentally gifted each other with the same little terrarium kit for kids. It was kinda cute and sorta worked but it was basically a fancy seed starting kit. The instructions were terrible – faithfully following the rehydration instructions for the growing medium only created a soupy mess. That said, […]

Terrarium Kits for Kids
Filed under: 100 Pennies Store Garden Kits
Hoping to infect your little ones with the gardening bug? Or maybe you’re trying to teach botany at home this year? Have you considered one of the terrarium kits for kids? They range from simple little plastic domes to table-top sized enclosures on up to more adult-like glass versions. Our family no longer has little […]

Air Plant Terrariums or Aeriums
Filed under: Garden Kits Miniature Plants
Air plant terrariums and decorative tillandsia terrariums are hot right now. Learn the fun story behind the name and where you can purchase your own plants.

Terrarium Starter Kit with Plants
Filed under: Garden Kits Terrariums
Terrarium starter kit with plants has everything, except the container, to create your own terrarium. Enjoy your tiny green garden sooner without the hassle of having to find everything separately.
Enchanted Fairy Garden Kit
Filed under: Garden Kits
Just add a little creativity, sunshine and water to get this charming enchanted fairy garden kit to grow. Part craft and part gardening and totally fun.